I knit this up over Labor Day weekend with yarn leftover from the Tyler's Birthday Hat project. I didn't get any good photos of that one, but it looks rather like this one (fuzzy, brownish and hat shaped), only the cables are shaped like owls. Anyway, this is Utopia Hat 2 designed by SmarieK. It has little traveling mirrored cable, fairly simple and pretty fun to knit. It is only my second completed cable project, after the Owl Cable Hat that I made for Tyler.
Unfortunately, the Bernat Alpaca Natural Blends yarn I chose is just a little too fuzzy to really make the cable stand out. I knit it on slightly smaller needles than the label reccomends, and I think that helped keep the cables from completely disappearing when the hat is stretched out on a noggin. It is pretty warm, if a tiny bit itchy, and I'm sure someone will enjoy wearing it around once the snow starts to swirl.
My model was reluctant tonight, she insisted on disguise and anonymity. And she also insisted on wearing a mask and sticking out her tongue in every picture. But that was fun, and she has to blow of a little steam after the MOUNTAIN of homework she did tonight. Study for a health test and TWO WHOLE WORKSHEETS! Keith talked to her teacher today about getting her tested for TAG, and everyone is in agreement that it is a good idea, so the ball is now rolling in that direction.
So she's finished with her homework but I still have dinner dishes to wash. Who Really has more homework, eh?
lol that's funny! love the hat though :)
Neat hat! I love your model too!
Best hat ever! Owls have an amazing power about them. And Tyler looks great in it.
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