Sunday, April 26, 2009

A relaxing day at home

Everybody slept in this lovely Sunday morning, and we all ate pizza for breakfast.
We took a carload of recycling to the recycle center.

We stopped at Lowes for a minute and got a few herbs for the newly cultivated Herb Bed. Yesterday Delia planted her Spearmint seeds, but we were supposed to have started them 8 weeks ago inside, and we did not. So they might take a while to come up, but that's OK. To add some interest to the bed we got another mint plant, some rosemary and some thyme.

I also planted my trilliums in the Fern Bed, which only this week sent up little fiddleheads to let me know my transplants had survived the winter. They Did! My own little piece of Sun Valley here in Morgantown.

1 comment:

Trisha said...

If Delia's mint doesn't sprout, I can give her a transplant of mine. (As soon as I either get it from the old house or from Amy's garden!) :)