I had a blast learning to knit cables without a cable needle on this project. The technique really makes the work progress quickly - I saved whole seconds not having to drop and pick up the cable needle constantly.
One thing I realized while working on this hat is that I need a row counter. So instead of spending cash on one I think I will just make one, however, I need some little beads with numbers on them. If any of my craftastic pals have some number beads lying around, Hook Me Up! You might be rewarded with a hand knit item.
Or you might languish in nothingland for months while I post pictures of stuff I have knitted for other people. It's a crapshoot like that, with me. Just ask my Seester. She's still wearing the hat and scarf combo I crocheted for her ten years ago, and the Blueberry Girl dress I made for her Baby Girl is sitting on my bookshelf waiting for a button, and has been Mostly Finished like that since Little Z's birthday in July. Hang On, Little Tomato, I'm working on your stuff, and I love you!
you are quite the knitter. i love the new header.
Soooo, I found a pair of CUTE PURPLE shoes for Zoey on the 80% off rack at Kohl's today... I'm thinking Blueberry Girl dress and some stripey blue and purple tights!!! (Time to search the sphincter-net!)
"Thanks AUNT TRACY!!!" she babbles....
Oh, and I know you know this... but her birthday is in June. ;)
No Trisha, I didn't know that, I can't remember things very well. Someone usually reminds me though. :)
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